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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Animal Behavior

Look for something to eat:
Ants are mostly omnivorous. That is, they are eating everything from other insects, seeds, oils, and breadcrumbs. Ants will be the fastest clustered if there are foods such as chicken or fish fry. Foods that have a certain smell will usually be faster than that is not surrounded by ants like syrup or sugar water. There are ants that climbed to the top of the food being transported by another friend. Ants are located above the food is in charge of maintaining the food they bring from possible threats coming from above. Tropical leaf-cutter ants use their sharp jaws to cut the leaves and make it into a kind of porridge (pulp). The pulp is then used as a medium for mushroom cultivation are becoming their food.

Self defense:
At the front of the ant's head also has a pair of jaw or mandible used to carry food, manipulate objects, construct nests, and for defense. Some species of ants also have a sting that is connected with some sort of poisonous glands to immobilize prey and protect the nest. Ant species such as Formica yessensis has a formic acid-producing gland that can be sprayed into the enemy's defenses.

Sleep habits:
Most people think ants never sleep. When in fact, the worker ants can sleep as many as 253 times a day. How can? This is because they only spent 1.1 minutes on one bed.

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